In honor of the essential theme of hope in Tolkien's work, this month's prompts will be quotes from joyful or happy times in the text. We will see you very soon with a new, beautiful site for your Silmarillion fanworks! If you are able to still log in, please do not make changes to your account or fanworks they will not be migrated. On April 1, the current site will go to read-only and go dark sometime after (hopefully briefly!) while we move the new site to our domain. We are finally at the point where we are ready to open the new site. The Night Elves from Warcraft stole some of those ideas and concepts as well.For the last several months, we have been working on rebuilding our site using more up-to-date software. Also a rather celtic-pagan-inspired thing going on there. He is in many ways also an avatar of Kurnous, god of the Hunt. Orion's appearance is also created by a normal Wood Elf actually dying and being reborn, and he no longer is a mere Wood Elf. Where children are stolen, mortals lured into the Fay Realm for lulz, sometimes helping, sometimes making cruel mischief. The Warhammer WE have more in common with the Fay-Folk of celtic legends. Orion and the Wood Elves are not supposed to be like the WE from Lord of the Rings. Thats True, the thing what is actually Really dumb and sad is that you cant make a Mod who just Looks a little Bit like Thranduil like come on, Orion Looks not like elve more like Wood Human who got stranded there There are at least 20 different you can make.

Rivendell, Lothorien, Mirkwood and Mithlond can be all stand alone. You can add Dwarves factions, Elven factions. There are a lot of Orc factions besides Mordor Orcs. Ursprungligen skrivet av Sokolvip:Gondor alone in the book has like a dozen of factions.